The Chicken Ninja – Gourmet Burger Kitchen
Having been established since 2001 and with over 50 GBK restaurants across the UK, we’ll dispense with the introductions and get straight to the point.
This week, we had the pleasure of reviewing Gourmet Burger Kitchen’s boldest and baddest invention yet, The Chicken Ninja:
Our latest Japanese inspired special; Panko chicken, katsu curry sauce, Tokyo slaw, salad, miso ketchup and of course that show-stopping, jet black charcoal bun. Nunchucking delicious, and perfectly paired with our matcha green tea & vanilla ice-cream milkshake. Two hands, compulsory. Chopsticks, optional. Release your inner chi-ll.

The Chicken Ninja – Panko chicken, katsu, curry sauce, Tokyo slaw, salad, miso ketchup, charcoal bun £10.95
It’s not often you’re confronted with a black-bunned burger, particularly one that’s attractively covered in white sesame seeds, and resting atop a beautifully golden, crispy Panko chicken katsu that’s as moist and as succulent as you’d ever hope for.
The dominant flavour of the curry sauce was balanced really well by the subtle sweetness of the miso ketchup (we can confirm that this is 100% alcohol free) while the fragrant and crunchy Tokyo slaw brought an almost earthy undertone to it.
The Chicken Ninja also comes with the option of an equally innovative beverage: a thick shake made from organic Matcha green tea and vanilla ice cream.
While its murky green won’t make this the most attractive shake you’ll ever encounter, the flavour of the tea itself only came through as strongly as its natural strength would allow, and tasting, strangely enough, similar to a subtly flavoured cookies & cream milkshake!
All in all, however, this is an original invention which, in our collective opinion, warrants a try.
This is, of course, a limited edition burger and, thus, available until 13th June.
And be sure to look out for our comprehensive review of GBK, coming soon!