The Spice House – West Ealing
Al-Jazeera shopping mall in West Ealing has had a number of face lifts over the years, but this current one seems to be on to a winner with The Spice House. Cheap, yet tasty grub; just the way we Muslims like it, hah!
This bad boy comes with chips and a drink (though the owners were flexible enough to exchange the drink for this large, though average quality meat samosa). As to the fish, then it was excellent; moist and easily flaking off the bone. We all know that these Bangladeshis know how to cook their fish.
Yes, this is your traditional mixed grill; but, TBH, this was tastier than some of the more over priced portions offered by better looking restaurants. This was generous with a fresh tandoori naan. The only complaint, which they said they’d take into consideration, was that it was slightly too oily.
These chicken grilled strips were as good as any place. Full of flavour.
The half chicken must have been starving when it died of malnutrition because there was hardly anything on this.
Again, these Bangladeshis know how to make fish taste gooooood! Really was a very enjoyable eat this.
Having never heard of this combination, we had a go at this and were not disappointed. It had flavour and was well seasoned.

As you can see, varied menu.
Sure to be going back soon, God-willing, so keep up the standards set boys.
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The Spice Shop
88 Uxbridge Road,
West Ealing,
W13 0SY.
altar hussain
This looks like a normal place, fish is fried, what’s so good about this. Love the site, I’ll check back again.
20 May '15Nani
The place has closed, more accurately, they have moved elsewhere and replaced by some tandoori place … Get this … With NO tandoor cooker!
Probably best to remove this review, travelled all the way through souttaawl with no reward.
8 Jun '16FtL / Author
No, the place is still there. We personally checked today (the things we have to do for you guys). But it was closed for whatever reason for a period of time.
18 Jun '16